Jogger Ring - Best Female Self Defense Ring While Jogging

Jogger Ring - Best Female Self Defense Ring While Jogging

Reading Time: 7 minutes

The Rise of Self-Defense Jogger Rings

Self-defense jogger rings are a new product that can keep women safe and prevent a violent attack from occurring.

Here's our Jogger Self-Defense Infographic:

Jogger Self-Defense Infographic: 8 Simple Tips

Jogger safety wasn't always a problem, but there have been many recent incidents involving joggers being attacked, raped, kidnapped, or murdered.  This article was written and posted on September 21st, 2018.  Here are just a few of the most recent incidents from the past three days:

September 21st, 2018 - Two Women Fight Off Attempted Abduction in New Zealand

September 20th, 2018 - Jogger Stabbed to Death in Washington DC

September 18th, 2018 - Jogger Attacked and Attempted Robbery in NYC's Central Park

Getting attacked while jogging is now a very serious threat, and women are investing in personal protective products to prevent something bad from happening.

Woman Jogging in Park with Sun in Background

What was once a great way to release stress and burn calories is now yet another activity that women must be on high alert.  Let's take a look at some of the reasons why female joggers are being targeted while out for a run.

Characteristics of a Jogging Victim

1. Solo Running

One joy of going for a run is you can do it by yourself.  You can choose when to go for a run, what route to take, and when to push through your previous wall and take it the extra mile.  That's the reason why a lot of people go the gym alone.  We all have jam packed schedules, we don't want to depend on someone else to go with us, and we don't want to feel bad if we can't make it.

Jogging releases brain and body chemicals and allows your mind to relax and decompress.  It improves mental abilities, relieves stress, and regulates the body's systems.  Jogging can also decrease anxiety and depression

There is also an important psychological aspect of solo running.  You can be alone with your thoughts and feelings, and comfortable with your core without anyone judging you or interacting with you.  Solitude and detachment from your chaotic everyday life can be refreshing and much needed.

Woman relaxing in solitude

It's ordinary to see the vast majority of people at a park running or jogging alone.  Unfortunately this means that women often run by themselves.  Predators look for the easiest victims and a woman running by herself is a much easier target than two people running together.  

2. Desolate Location

An exciting benefit of jogging is the ability to explore new areas.  If you live in a metropolitan city, you can explore new neighborhoods and check out new restaurants simply by running past them.  If you live in a rural area, you can check out new parks, paths, and outdoor environments while on your jog.

Similar to point number one, most joggers prefer to run in less busy areas.  It can be annoying to run through crowds of professionals getting off work or tourists blocking the sidewalks.  That's why people love running through nature; parks, along rivers, down beaches, or through grassy knolls.  These environments provide fresh air, natural running paths, and beautiful scenic motivation, without the hassle of a crowd.

Unfortunately this means these areas are also very sparse with people.  Some of the most beautiful areas to explore are also the most desolate.  If you're exercising in an area where the next closest person is a mile away, you will be considered a much easier target.  Keep in mind that some attackers are calculating and will scout running paths and pinpoint parts of the trail that are most desolate.  They might then hide in the area, or simply pretend to be walking along the trail until they see an easy victim.

desolate woodland trail location

3. Unsuspecting Joggers

No one ever expects to be attacked, but there are certain situations that may be more prone to violence.  For example, if you're meeting friends in a dangerous neighborhood late at night, you would most likely be on high alert.  But very rarely do joggers on an after-work run expect to be attacked.  This is the very reason why some perpetrators are now targeting victims in public areas that would not be normally associated with danger.  They know that their victims are not expecting it and their guard will be down.

Runners also like to wear headphones when they run.  This blocks out one of the most important senses in humans to detect danger; your hearing.  In these situations your taste, smell and touch do very little to help you identify and flee an attacker.  With headphones on, your only line of detecting an attacker will be your vision.  You won't be able to hear if someone is chasing you from behind, or is creeping around in the bushes about to jump out at you.  We're not suggesting to ditch the music - rather be extra alert with headphones on.

girl with headphones

4. Lack of Preparation

Joggers normally wear as little clothing as possible to optimize their workout.  Likewise, runners carry as little items as possible while exercising.  Therefore, a jogger's body will be relatively exposed from a clothing standpoint and vulnerable to injury.  Since runners try to stay as light and nimble as possible, they won't be carrying a pocket knife or pepper spray on them.

We're not suggesting that you wear a Kevlar vest and carry a can of pepper spray on every run.  That would be impractical and unnecessary.  That's why the advent of the jogger self-defense ring is important in this day and age as a convenient, effective self-defense weapon.  It can be worn regularly as a piece of jewelry, and is small, light and worn on your hand.

5. Exercise Fatigue

This will depend if you're running or jogging and what your intentions are.  In general, running tires you out.  Therefore if you're attacked when you're tired, you will be less capable to defend yourself.  Imagine someone preparing for a marathon and running 20 miles, only to be attacked at the end of her run.  She would surely be exhausted and not have much energy left to defend herself.

The counter argument to this is that running or exercising puts you into an "active" mode and you'll be primed to either fight or flee, or both.  Your adrenaline will already be pumping, your joints and limbs will already be warmed up, and you'll have the physical survival instinct already kicking in.

fatigue after exercising

Self Defense Strategies for Female Joggers

There will always be people with bad intentions in this world.  Just like with terrorism, the worst thing we can do is give in and alter our life based on fear.  That's what they want.  It's important to continue and carry on with our normal everyday lives, but to be extra mindful and vigilant about possible dangers.

Here are some strategies female joggers can do to prevent an attack:

1. Remain alert throughout the entire run.  Work out vigorously, take in the scenery, and decompress, but always be mindful of your surroundings.

2. Vary your running schedule.  If possible don't go running the same days and at the same times every week.  Change it up so potential predators don't know your schedule.

3. Vary your running path.  Don't take the same route every run.  Jog up different streets and always change your path.  One day run by the lake, next run through the field.

4. Jog with other people.  Occasionally run with a friend, partner, or join a running group.

5. Run with your dog.  Dogs love running, exercising, and exploring.  It can be difficult to run with your dog until you have a hang of it but don't be discouraged if he pulls the first time or at the beginning.  Learn how to lead your dog so he runs next to you and not in front of you.  Dogs can be a big deterrent to potential assailants.  Check out this guide to training your dog to be a good running companion:

6. Learn about your route.  Where are the most desolate areas?  Where are there the most people?  Where are there stores or other public places?

7. Be prepared and plan ahead.  As you're reading this article, you can literally think of how you would handle a dangerous situation.  Think of what you would do if you were chased by an attacker.  Would you scream, run for your life, or turn and fight?  What if you were running on a very desolate path, and there was a suspicious man coming in the opposite direction.  Would you turn around and continue running in the other direction, veer off to a side path if possible, or run past the stranger on high alert?  There's no single right answer, but it's important to visually map out your response for a high intensity situation before it occurs.

8. Wear a self-defense ring for joggers.  It would be perfect if every woman in a dangerous situation had a loaded gun in her hand pointed at the assailant, and ready to pull the trigger if he got any closer.  If this were the case, we would all feel tremendous peace of mind.  But that's completely impractical and unrealistic.  Women don't carry guns on jogs, or even to work.  Women don't carry stun guns to dinner or to a party.  Wearing a jewelry ring that has powerful self-defense capabilities is a great asset for protection.  She can wear it as a regular accessory and will be equipped with a sharp self-defence blade in a dangerous situation.

    What Are Jogger Rings?

    Jogger rings are a relatively new self-defense product.

    Jogger rings are becoming increasingly popular due to their small size and convenience.  Runners don't have to burden themselves by carrying a can of pepper spray. The jogger ring can simply be worn as a regular piece of jewelry, and in a dangerous situation, it can give the victim an added edge to defend herself.

    The best jogger rings will be made of metal.  While plastic rings may be less expensive, they will not be as effective as a metal blade weapon, especially against a relentless attacker.

    metal blade self-defense weapon

    Jogger rings should be dual purposed, functioning primarily as jewelry, and secondly as a self-defense weapon.  While most female runners want to arm themselves, they understand that they will not need to defend themselves every single day. 

    Therefore, wearing a useless, somewhat ugly ring every time you went running would be pointless.  The best jogger rings will be appealing as regular jewelry too.  Women can wear a jogger ring to add a stylish flare to her exercise outfit, and in a dangerous situation, she will be rest assured knowing that she has some help in a personal protective ring.

    Rings that are dual-purposed may also be worn in everyday situations like going to work, meeting friends at a bar, or simply running your errands.


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