How to Buy a Self Defense Ring | Self-Defense Ring Buying Guide

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If you're in the market for a self defense ring, look no further than this Self Defense Ring Buying Guide to walk you through the buying process.
If you've been scouring the internet for a piece of protective jewelry, you will know that the market is undersaturated. Demand is high for self defence rings, but ideas and innovative products are in short supply.
Luckily, the few brands selling self defense rings have captured the market well with feature-rich products.
We’ll examine 5 main factors to consider when purchasing a self defence jewelry ring. In no particular order, they are:
Practicality, Effectiveness, Looks, Ease of Use, and Cost.
1. Practicality of the Self Defense Ring
Practicality is the usability and usefulness of the ring.
A few good questions to ask regarding the practicality of a self defense ring are:
Does the self defense ring require maintenance?
Stun gun rings will require charging, and pepper spray rings will require replenishment of liquids.
Is the ring legal?
There may be laws in your city, state, or country that restrict the use of certain weapons. For example, some countries don’t allow their citizens to carry pepper spray or stun guns. Some jurisdictions prohibit knives with blades longer than a certain length. Check your local laws to make sure you’re legally allowed to own and wear the self defense ring.
Can the ring be worn regularly every day (e.g. exercising, at work, or traveling)?
If a self defence ring cannot be worn easily and regularly every day, then it will sit on the bottom of your sock drawer.
2. Self Defense Effectiveness
Effectiveness refers to how well the ring can protect you. Does the ring adequately accomplish its purpose of self defense?
Self defense can generally be defined by stopping a predator from attacking you in 1 of 2 ways as follows:
1. Deter a predator
The predator is discouraged from attacking the woman by his own choice. He might see the woman’s weapon and be scared to continue his attack. Or the woman may inflict harm onto the predator, which discourages him from continuing the attack.
2. Disable a predator
The predator does not want to stop attacking the woman, but the victim performs some action to physically stop him.
This can be spraying pepper spray into his eyes to remove his vision. It can also be killing an attacker in self defense if necessary.
It’s important to understand a self defense ring’s effectiveness will have limitations due to its size and it's effectiveness will generally be non-lethal or less-lethal.
A self defense ring will find its merit in deterring or discouraging a predator. Here are some main weapons that get paired up with self defense ring jewelry often:
1. Knives
There is no grey area regarding knives. If you punch a predator with a ring knife, it will cut him and cause pain.
Knives collect DNA and draw blood which are not only important evidence in an investigation, but act as strong deterrents to predators who understand their identity is no longer hidden.
2. Pepper Spray
Pepper spray when applied directly onto a predator is an excellent deterrent. It immobilizes the attacker by removing his vision in a non-lethal manner and gives you the opportunity to flee.
A downside of pepper spray is there are many variables. How do you arm and aim it? Will it shoot every time without fail? How will you know when the pepper spray cartridge is low?
3. Stun Guns
Stun guns are a great contact weapon for immobilizing an aggressor. But there are several factors that can potentially make it unreliable. Will a stun gun work the same on every person? How do I arm it? Can it be recharged and how will I know when the voltage is running low?
4. Technology
An alert-button ring that contacts the police and sends your GPS location is undoubtedly a great personal defense tool to have. However it will not help physically fight off an attacker.
3. Looks of the Self Defense Jewelry Ring
Any proper self defense ring should factor looks into their product, especially if it’s geared towards women.
Unfortunately, most self defense rings don’t put any weight into looks beyond adding a pink color option.
This shows the outdated landscape of women's self defense rings.
The word “ring” is in the product term and aesthetics should be a major component of product development, but it’s constantly overlooked.
Luckily, new brands are innovating and incorporating style, fashion and looks into their product development process early on and coming out with some attractive self defense rings.
Why are looks so important?
A self defense weapon is only useful if it’s in your hand during an attack. If it’s at home in a drawer, or even in your pocket, it doesn’t do you any good. Therefore it’s important that self defense rings are visually appealing so women can wear them regularly as ordinary jewelry so she's wearing them in dangerous situations.
4. Ease of Use for the Self Defense Weapon
Here are a few good questions to ask yourself regarding Ease of Use when buying a self defense ring:
Does using the self defense ring require any practice or training?
Depending on the type of practice and training, it might be best to purchase self defense rings that are easy to use.
Is the ring and self defense weapon convenient and accessible?
How long does it take to arm the weapon?
Does the ring require a certain level of strength or speed to work effectively?
5. Self Defense Ring Cost
Humans love to shop. The only thing we love more is getting a great deal. What price should we expect to pay for a self defense ring?
Self defense products are generally an expensive, luxury item and this is no different when it comes to modern protective jewelry. Here are some factors to consider:
1. Financial situation and budget
Most self defense jewelry is priced well. They range from $30 up to $200. It's a smart purchase that will last a long time and provide everyday peace of mind.
If you are set on purchasing a self defense ring, you can save $10-$20 per month for a few months to make the purchase. Some companies also offer flexible payment plans with 0% interest.
2. Expected use of ring
There’s a difference between everyday self defense rings and traditional self defense rings. If you’ve purchased a defence ring that can only be worn as a weapon, then you will probably only wear it in certain situations like going for a jog in the park. If you purchase a defence ring that can be worn as everyday jewelry, you’ll get more use out of it which can justify the cost.
3. Personal values
Some people value security and safety as a top priority while others aren’t particularly concerned with it. The right to defend one’s physical body and life is part of the United States Second Amendment, which is the right to keep and bear arms.
Others may view guns and protective weapons as unnecessary in our modern day society due to the increased presence and capability of law enforcement.
Final Words on Buying a Self Defense Ring
Buying a self defense ring doesn’t have to be an arduous decision. Simply review the 5 criteria we examine above, and make a well-informed decision as to which product best suits your needs and will successfully provide protection.
There aren't too many options for self defense rings on the market today as it’s a relatively new industry. But there are many up-and-coming self defense jewelry brands that are innovating new products and finding their way onto the hands of eager customers.
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